Angular vs React vs Vue : 2024 Edition

When it comes to creating web apps, the biggest concern front-end developers have is which frontend framework to choose as there are many JavaScript frameworks available in the market. The top three front-end frameworks or libraries that every expert suggests are Angular, React, and Vue. There is a huge competition between Angular vs React vs Vue. Angular is a fully-fledged framework and the best practices of Angular enable developers to create robust applications. React is not a framework, it is a UI library that helps in creating unique user interfaces, and Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework used for developing web apps. To make the right choice among these three, the developers have to go through the comparison among  Angular, React, and Vue’s key points and understand their differences. In this blog, we will first understand two JavaScript frameworks and one library and then go through their differences.

1. Comparison of Angular, React, and Vue

Angular is one of the best frameworks developed by Google. It was released in 2010 and this makes it the oldest framework in comparison with Vue and React. It is a popular TypeScript-based framework with an MIT license and having this license means that these products offer limited restrictions on reuse. In the year 2016, a shift happened and the new version of Angular, version 2 was released. This version dropped JS from the original name – AngularJS. Angular 2+ is called Angular and version 1 is called AngularJS.

React is a library which is developed by Facebook. It was developed in the year 2013 and since then it has been used to develop complex applications. React uses an MIT license. Facebook itself uses React and React Native in its products like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram.

The Vue framework is one of the most popular and younger frameworks in this group. It was developed by Evan You, an ex-Google employee in 2014. This framework holds an MIT license. It has been through a substantial shift in the last few years and the latest versions of Vue are always announced on the official Vue website. It has its own GitHub repo and functions with the use of TypeScript.

2. Top Companies Using React

Here is the list of the top brands that use React for frontend development –

  • Yahoo
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • WhatsApp
  • New York Times

3. Top Companies Using Angular

Here is the list of the top brands that use Angular for the front-end development –

  • Microsoft Office
  • Gmail
  • Forbes
  • Deutsche Bank
  • PayPal

4. Top Companies Using Vue

Here is the list of the top brands that use Vue for the frontend development  –

  • Xiaomi 
  • Reuters
  • Adobe
  • Grammarly
  • Behance

5. Conclusion

As seen in this blog, JavaScript frameworks have a huge family. Each of these frontend frameworks and libraries offers the best results when it comes to creating applications, solving issues, or adding new functionalities to current web apps. All three frameworks compared here are different from each other. Angular, React, and Vue are known as the top players among front-end JavaScript frameworks.

The Angular framework is used by experienced developers for creating apps with extensive structures and this framework works best when it comes to building progressive web apps and hybrid mobile applications.

React developers use React to create dynamic websites with flawless functionalities. It also helps in creating native mobile apps (using react native framework).

Vue combines the best features of Angular and React. It helps in creating single page applications.

This proves that these three JavaScript frameworks perform magic while creating user interfaces and offer the best solutions for robust web development. But which one to choose for your next project depends on the software development environment, the flexibility of the team working, and the type of project they are working on.